Below you will find a sample debt settlement letter. When you make your own you will probably want to make some changes to this but this letter will give you a good idea of what you might want to include.
Phone number:
Creditors Name:
Creditors Address:
Account statement dated __________ on Account #_________________
Due to (Explain why you can no longer make payments), I have been unable to make payments on my account with you. To save your company time and money I would like to make an agreement with you to settle this outstanding debt.
If we come to an agreement all I request is that you have the account reported as paid and closed by the debtor.
The last statement that I received from your organization dated ________ showed a balance due of ____________, and I will be able to send you a Cashier’s Check in the amount of _____________ within 5 days of receiving the written agreement from your organization.
In accepting this settlement offer, your organization agrees to:
Report debt as Paid as Agreed, Closed by Consumer
Accept _________ as payment in full for the account.
I agree to:
¨ Send Cashier’s Check in the amount of _________ within 5 days after receiving the written acceptance of this offer.
If you wish to discuss this further, I can be reached by phone at ______________ between the hours of _______________________.
Your Signature
Your Typed Name